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Facebook discussion group for intentional applications of

music and sound



Soundwork 21 on Facebook

Expanding the Role of Music
in the Age of Covid & Climate

1. Globally, we are living in an unparalleled time of multiple and coincident challenges.


2. Forward! There is no going back because collectively we have all shifted, peri-Covid.


3. Isolation has become a psychological by-product of these times.


4. Artistic expression has an opportunity to play a major role in community healing.


5. Music is historically known for rebuilding social cohesion.


6. A redefining of the healing role of musicians in disrupted culture is called for.


7. Therapeutic/concert/folk musicians and educated soundworkers evolve into sonic activists.


8. The new audience/listener/patient emerges: society writ large.


9. Renaissance is at hand. 


Kindly consider...


• What is currently needed in our communities? 


• How do we bring the healing timbre of music and sound in these times?


• What do we know from current research? 


• How do we take care of ourselves? 


• How do we adapt our skillsets to fit a new world?


• What ­­collaborations bring power to our work?


• What is sonic activism in 2022?



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